Firm News

Lynn Foley Presenting LMA Webinar on Website Accessibility for Law Firms

August 21, 2020

Your law firm’s website is how clients, the media, and promising applicants find your firm and learn about who you are and what you do. It’s your firm’s front porch, but are you being a good digital neighbour?

Is your website accessible to people with impaired vision, impaired hearing, or other disabilities? There can be real business and legal ramifications if not.

Lynn Foley, CEO of fSquared Marketing, will be presenting an LMA webinar on September 1st at 12:00 pm CT: “Open to Everyone: The Business Case for Law Firm Web Accessibility

This webinar is sponsored by the LMA’s Marketing Technology SIG & Diversity and Inclusion SIG and is complimentary for members of the LMA.

Learning outcomes:

  • Learn the definition of web accessibility and understand WCAG-accessible content
  • Discover how to determine if your own website is accessible
  • Understand the legal risks of failing to meet ADA standards
  • Discuss how web accessibility can improve your SEO, digital marketing, brand, and web presence.

Looking to learn more? Here are the top reasons law firms should make web accessibility a priority.

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