“One argument for accessibility that doesn’t get made nearly often enough is how extraordinarily better it makes some people’s lives. How many opportunities do we have to dramatically improve people’s...
September 5, 2024
Lawyer blogs are gaining currency among in-house counsel
“New media is gaining currency among the in-house crowd, with 54 percent reading lawyer-authored blogs to research potential outside counsel”, according to an article published this week in the Canadian Bar Association legal magazine (@CBAnatmag) and shared on Twitter by Richard Smith (@RWS_01), Sydney-based legal business development professional. The article cites a recent survey by fSquared Marketing on web and social media engagement in the Canadian legal market.
dreamstime_xs_27638396Of particular importance for law firms is that: “The report confirms what many observers already knew anecdotally, namely that legal directories have less sway with in-house counsel than they do with external counsel (though for 59 percent “they do influence their decisions to a degree”).
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