Firm News

Strategic Law Firm Retreats: Canadian Bar Association talks to Lynn Foley

May 2, 2017

Looking to plan a law firm retreat? An excellent idea— getting the team out of the office can be a great way to strengthen connections. A retreat can give lawyers a chance to step back from the daily grind and contemplate the firm’s direction.

Unfortunately, all that contemplation won’t come cheap. The average 50 lawyer firm can spend anywhere from $50,000-$100,000 on a retreat, depending on location and activities. For that sort of investment, you’ll want to return to work with more than a sunburn. Recently, the Canadian Bar Association (CBA), the voice of the Canadian legal community, reached out to Lynn Foley, CEO of fSquared Marketing, for her insight on how to turn a law firm retreat into a lasting success.

The article noted that strategy is key. Don’t just have a retreat because the firm always has a retreat. Have an objective.  Lynn notes as an example,

“If the strategic goal is to improve the business development culture among the firm’s junior lawyers, we could put together a presentation from an external speaker about the different tools that they can use for business development and how they can be implemented,”

The best retreats equip lawyers with new tools and knowledge:

“So when they go back to the office on Monday and say, ‘I know where my firm is trying to go. I know my role in it. I have the tools. I have the skills. This is what I can do’.”

If you’d like to learn more about how to get the most out of your next law firm retreat, read Lynn’s thought on  “Is your Law Firm Retreat A Strategic Investment?” or get in touch with Lynn at fSquared Marketing today.

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