At fSquared Marketing, we know lawyers aren’t the only ones suffering from stress at law firms. Legal marketing and business development professionals also struggle with mental health and wellbeing. That’s...
September 18, 2024
Is your law firm growing at two clients per second?
O.K. that might be a bit of a stretch target for a law firm but it’s official Linkedin has become very important in the legal industry and should be a key aspect of any law firm or lawyers business development, marketing and networking activities. If it isn’t then it should become more of an imperative for you and your law firm. Based on the latest numbers published by LinkedIn on the size of their growing network, if you are not participating you are missing out on the chance to engage colleagues, peers and clients (both prospects and current), that ultimately translates to lost revenue opportunity.
LinkedIn has been growing at a phenomenal rate over the past few years and is now the de facto social media platform for business professionals across the globe. In fact, if you think about the working populations of most countries, and then look at LinkedIn’s penetration in the major global business centers, their dominance is absolute!
In a recent announcement LinkedIn stated they had hit 380 million user globally and that number is growing rapidly. In fact they are onboarding an incredible two new members every second.
This great infographic breaks down their enrollment numbers by country with Canada and the US having 11M and 118M users respectively and as the recent Canadian Legal Digital Survey of Canadian In-house Counsel showed these numbers ring true, LinkedIn is King and it’s a great place to get you exposure.
Based on those recent survey results, LinkedIn is at the forefront of on-line professional communication. 24% of in-house counsel respondents used LinkedIn daily, while just shy of 50% used it at least once a week. Specific uses included connecting with other in-house colleagues (39%) and connecting with business or industry leaders (41%). Following at quite a distance was Twitter (10%) and Facebook (7%).
So hopefully you have a handle on LinkedIn but if your law firm or lawyers don’t and need help determining their social media strategy or deciding how to move forward, feel free to reach out to me directly and I would be more than happy to assist.
Twitter: @Robert_Foley
Linkedin: Robert Foley
Email: robertfoley@fsquaredmarketing